8/10 – 13/11 2021
Another World
– solo exhibition by Martin Bigum
Charlotte Fogh Gallery is pleased to present Martin Bigum’s exhibition, “Another World”, which is the artist’s second solo exhibition in the gallery. The exhibition shows a new series of paintings entitled “Another World” and a series of drawings, all of which were created in 2020-21 and directly or indirectly inspired by the pandemic. The challenge for Martin Bigum has been to make works that deal with the Corona pandemic, but which at the same time point into the future.
The exhibition is built on the seven senses: the sense of sight, the sense of hearing, the sense of smell, the sense of taste, the sense of labyrinth and equilibrium, and the tactile sense: the sense of touch. And last but not least, the so-called sense of movement. The seven senses are not programmatically depicted in the paintings, one by one, but as in the real world shown in complex interactions.