Rose Eken (1976) is educated from Edinburgh College of Art in Skotland and the Royal College of Art in London, 2003. Since then she has had soloexhibitions at both galleries and museums – latest at Horsens Art Museum, Denmark, Aros and Kunsthallen Brandts, MOCA – Museum of Contempopray Arts, Tuscon, Arizona in USA and at Kiasma, Museum of Contemporary Art in Finland.
Rose Eken’s work has many outlets and includes ceramic sculpture, embroidery, tinselpainting, video and installation. Eken’s universe especially embraces the fan culture and traces from artistic creation which are visualized from the artist’s point of view. Trash and the things that e.g. rock musicians left behind: instruments, beer cans, cigarettebuts are in focus and are given a feminine touch in materials like silk embroidery and the frail ceramic. But also trash and traces from her artists collegues or the art world in general are subjects for the works.
BEYOND – Anniversary exhibition (2021) featuring new works by Rose Eken

Installation view of Kitchen Confidential – a solo exhibition by Rose Eken (2017)